Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July 15, 2014 First email from the MTC

I wish that I could tell you all of the experiences that I have had these past few days. I already have a sure knowledge that the gift of tongues is absolutely real as you already know. I have come out of teaching an investigator in portuguese (which we were doing by day 3 as well as saying all our prayers in portuguese) and I came out of it thinking to myself: "what even happened in there?? I could speak to him in a way that could only be brought forth by the spirit. I absolutely love my district and every last elder in there (8 of us) I am great friends with. There is an Elder going to Mozambique named Elder Couch who is just about to the funny level of Elder Kettle. I have been praying multiple times a day for you guys and that Parker will go on Trek and come closer to his Savior. I have never been so busy in my life before, and I still wish the days were longer and busier. I have loved every single aspect of the MTC life so far, and have already gained a couple pounds because all I do is eat and sit. I have already finished the missionary handbook cover to cover almost three times and will have read the entire Book of Mormon before I leave to Cabo Verde. Our branch is the strictest branch in the MTC and I am loving all the challenges. We already have the missionary purpose and James 1:5 memorized in Portuguese. This past Sunday the branch President had those leaving to come up and give a talk that they had prepared for and then as one of the departing Elders was going up Pres. Brough got up and then asked me to give a talk. I hadn't prepared for it at all but the spirit helped me a bit. I now am going to prepare every week regardless of assignments, haha. My companion is the modern day version of Nephi, he is 180 and can bench 300, but besides that he literally has not only the faith of 'Nefi' but also the spirituality. I hope that you are holding up, sweet mother. I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living your baby I'll be. Thanks again for the package! Love you!
With so much love,
Elder Judd

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