Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Ian and Chandler

Our first pictures!


old friend from WI

broke his pen marking so much

district with their new friends that visited

July 29, 2014  Amazing MTC experiences

To say this week is like any other would be, without fail, a blatant lie.
  Tuesday, we got called down to the front office, as a district, and the head administrators met with us to tell us that the Owners of the largest radio broadcasting company in all of Southern Africa (who know THE Mandela family personally, as in the late Nelson Mandela) would be coming and interviewing our district. Over 7 million people listen in. That night at the devotional I got to see Elder Galbraith and he is doing just as awesome as anyone would have guessed! The next day we were briefed on how we should handle certain questions they might ask, and it was apparent how big a deal this opportunity was. The South African owners came into our classroom and we got to have personalized conversations with them and at the end of their questions we sang for these wonderful men, Called to Serve (in Portuguese, of course). Also in the room was Elder Hinckley, the son of the late Prophet, President Gordon Hinckley. I got to have a conversation with all of these wonderful men and that experience will always be in my mind. 
-Choir is amazing.
-Seeing and saying 'hi' to the MTC President in the cafeteria was cool.
-Listening to the director of Ephraim's Rescue and 17 miracles, and Stephen Allen (one of the writers of Preach my Gospel) who both had great devotionals.
-Having such an awesome Branch Presidency reminds me of how amazing Bishop Angus, Bro. Johnston, and Bro. Barlow are.
  Yesterday, I finished the Book of Mormon. Never have I before had such a thirst for any literature. The Book of Mormon, however, is not literature: I learned this week that the Book of Mormon isn't really a book that contains some wise words but that it is true scripture. It is so simple that when we read it we have a deeper and more real conviction of it. I was going to continue on with the Doctrine and Covenants but instead felt that it would be more beneficial to my conversion if I read the New Testament. Jesus Christ is the purpose of our lives, we must learn to feel like him, see like him, act like him, think like him. Which would be impossible, obviously, without him. 
  God has put District 69 together for a reason, there are very few coincidences in our district. We are all eagle scouts, we all have people who we are close to in our lives who are looking for happiness in things of the world, we all enjoy playing sports, we all try to build each other up. I am so grateful for the members of the district, and my teachers as well. Brother Belchior wanted me to tell you he says 'hi'. He is an incredible man. He was an ambassador for the United Nations when he was still in High School, which is unheard of. He has tons of friends in high places and led the most successful mission that the Ventura, California mission has ever seen and most likely will see. Yet, he is humble: from low circumstances in a poor town in Mozambique he has been blessed for turning to the Lord. I truly wish that everyone reading this could meet him. 
  As a district, during study time without our teachers, we decided to go around and say why we are going on missions. It was completely spontaneous and we even felt prompted to sing a few hymns in the middle of it. I have NEVER felt the spirit in the same way as I did that night. I was reminded of past sins of mine and struggled to control my emotions as the guilt still seemed to hold me back from my full potential. It was wonderful to have multiple people that I could talk to that told me the advice to 'let it go'. I prayed more fervently than ever before and I felt the love of our Heavenly Father.
  Another Lesson I learned this week was from one of my teachers, Brother Nielson. He is the most gentle and kind person, I have ever met. It makes you feel so peaceful whenever he talks because of his gentleness. We had been teaching this "investigator" who had been taking discussions for 15 years and was a pastor for his church. Already we had no chance with him. After every lesson we taught we turned to one another and said that we couldn't even feel the spirit in our lessons. We were distraught. Then after one lesson Brother Nielson had a discussion with just our companionship to find out what the problem was. He corrected us and told us that we had misunderstood his portuguese. He had TAKEN lessons 15 years AGO. Our investigator didn't change at all, but our view of him did. We didn't feel the spirit because we were without hope. I am glad I was chastised for not having any hope in such a wonderful person. We all have people in our lives that our hope has been wilting for. We must have hope and love. Without that we might as well have no relationship with that person at all.
  An MTC talk by Elder Bednar entitled: "Characteristics of Christ" explained how when Christ was in the very depths of his struggles, because they were struggles, he would turn outward. He healed the ear of the soldier who was going to take him to ultimately be crucified. I have found that I have not felt a tinge of longing for my family, friends, or life before when I am losing myself in the work. And it is because of the example of all of you that I am able to be in a position spiritually to do this.
  Quando eu sento o espirito santo eu sei que minha familia e meus amigos sao pessoas. Pessoas. Eu vou ensinar pessoas em Cabo Verde e quando relizo isso eu sei que meu deus abencoa-me com feliz. A lingua de Portugues e a lingua celestial, haha. Eu amo a trabalha dos missionarios porque e actualmente a trabalha de Deus. Obrigado por todas coisas!

-Elder Judd

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

in front of the MTC

July 22, 2014 Life of a MTC missionary

 1 baptized "investigator", 1 new investigator (that has been taking lessons for 15 years and is a pastor of his church who refuses to follow through on commitments), 8 pounds gained, 6 hours of sleep per night, 4 scriptures memorized in portugues, the 'White Bible' read 4 times cover to cover, started the Book of Mormon over and now in Helaman, and countless tender mercies and miracles. All this because the Lord is loving and has blessed us all as missionaries here at the MTC. Our teachers are blessings straight from God.
  Irmao Nielson has taught us how to work hard. Irmao Rodriguez has taught us how to work smart. And Irmao Belchior has taught us how to work fun! The lack of worries and stress here has been the perfect environment to dig inside oneself and stretch, grow, and learn. I have learned more about the language of the spirit than I have about the language of Portugues, which is already a ton. I have been able to carry on a decent conversation with my teachers, they definitly don't teach you how to do that well in the school's language department! Eu nao falo portugues muito mas eu sei que com a ajudar do salvador atreve o espirito santo posso falar portugues otimo. 
  They say that the MTC is like a prison, being trapped inside. Why would you trap yourself with that type of attitude? The MTC is more like the garden of Eden. A bright morning this past week, the sun was beaming gently onto the faces, the birds were chirping, and a butterfly was carelessly flying across our path. There are rarely times where I find myself not smiling here. Happiness is a symptom of gratitude, you can't avoid it no matter how hard you try. It is almost a chore not to smile, there is so much to be grateful for: God has given all. I have been so blessed with so many people in my life that have supported me and wanted the best for me. Thank you.
  I have three mottos here in the MTC:
1. Never make the same mistake twice.
2. Look back with no regrets.
3. Be yourself, but be your happiest self.
I have been blessed to witness many sacred and miraculous things happen here in our district. Some things too sacred and personal to those who experienced them for me to share. I know of the power of the gift of tongues: I prayed for Elder Conway one night (my near perfect companion/future prophet) sincerely that he would receive help with the language, this was while he was out of the room reading his scriptures, and the next morning his portuguese went from not being able to even pronounce a word to speaking in full sentences! It was so apparent and obvious that I asked him about it during the day and he told me that he didn't study scriptures he was praying with all his heart to receive help with the language and he heard the spirit tell him (not even whisper) "because of your faith I will bless you with the gift of tongues". I am so grateful for his example to me of what being a true missionary is like. He has such motivation, and was the number one wrestler in the state of Arizona last year.
  Not all everything here has been what you might imagine, however. So much immature and innapropriate talk and actions here.
  I really have never been happier in my life. God has given me time, God has given me energy, God has given me my family and friends, God has given me agency. Therefore I have sacrificed absolutely nothing. I am so grateful for all of your examples to me to help me give myself more fully to Christ. I have stopped trying to be the best missionary I can be and have started striving to live in the hand of the Lord so His work can be brought forth. Enjoy your summer everyone, life is great! There is so much more than I could ever have time to say!!

-Elder Judd 

July 15, 2014 First email from the MTC

I wish that I could tell you all of the experiences that I have had these past few days. I already have a sure knowledge that the gift of tongues is absolutely real as you already know. I have come out of teaching an investigator in portuguese (which we were doing by day 3 as well as saying all our prayers in portuguese) and I came out of it thinking to myself: "what even happened in there?? I could speak to him in a way that could only be brought forth by the spirit. I absolutely love my district and every last elder in there (8 of us) I am great friends with. There is an Elder going to Mozambique named Elder Couch who is just about to the funny level of Elder Kettle. I have been praying multiple times a day for you guys and that Parker will go on Trek and come closer to his Savior. I have never been so busy in my life before, and I still wish the days were longer and busier. I have loved every single aspect of the MTC life so far, and have already gained a couple pounds because all I do is eat and sit. I have already finished the missionary handbook cover to cover almost three times and will have read the entire Book of Mormon before I leave to Cabo Verde. Our branch is the strictest branch in the MTC and I am loving all the challenges. We already have the missionary purpose and James 1:5 memorized in Portuguese. This past Sunday the branch President had those leaving to come up and give a talk that they had prepared for and then as one of the departing Elders was going up Pres. Brough got up and then asked me to give a talk. I hadn't prepared for it at all but the spirit helped me a bit. I now am going to prepare every week regardless of assignments, haha. My companion is the modern day version of Nephi, he is 180 and can bench 300, but besides that he literally has not only the faith of 'Nefi' but also the spirituality. I hope that you are holding up, sweet mother. I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living your baby I'll be. Thanks again for the package! Love you!
With so much love,
Elder Judd

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Chandler Enters the MTC July 9th 1:15pm

MTC mailing address:
Elder Chandler James Judd
2007 N 900 E Unit  69
Provo UT 84602


Cape Verde Mission Office Address(letters)
Elder Chandler James Judd
Cape Verde Praia Mission
Caixa Postal 420
Praia, Ilha de Santiago
Sao Tiago
Cape Verde

Package address
Elder Chandler James Judd
Cape Verde Praia Mission
Rua Povoacao Velha #17
Palmarejo, Ilha de Santiago
420 Praia
Cape Verde

Pouch Mail
postcards or one page letters with no envelope and written only on one side (no photos)
instructions: lay the letter blank side down. Fold the bottom of the letter about one third of the way up and crease. Fold the top of the letter to the bottom of the first fold and crease. Secure the long side with two pieces of tape about one inch in from each end, but do not seal the ends. Write your name and complete return address in the top left corner. Affix first class postage in the top right corner. In the middle write the missionary address below:
Elder Chandler James Judd
Cape Verde Praia Mission
POB 30150
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150