Thursday, March 19, 2015

Transfers to a crazy Island and PICTURES finally!!!

Hello Mom!
 Iºm in Boa Vista right now! I just flew out of Praia a few hours ago and now am in a new world. This is my first time being transferred and when I heard I was coming here I was overjoyed!! Even though I already miss my family in Tarrafal I have already fallen in love with this place. 
  Boa Vista is just a big beach: all sand! Really flat. Really different. Really beautiful. There are a lot of tourists from Europe drivinº around on their fourwheelers... so strange! The thing about Boa Vista is that you rarely meet someone that was actually born and raised here. People speaking all types of crioule, with a lot from mainland Africa too. Yeah... I donºt really understand very many people right now at all. At least it will be easier to learn and adapt than the first time, haha, Iºve already been through it once. 
  I am one of the 4 missionaries on this Island and with how uncommon it is to serve here it is even more amazing that Elder Conway, my AWESOME MTC Companion is here too!!! My companion is from Assomada on the Island of Santiago. I love that city! It is great to have a native speaker with me but the thing is that people donºt understand portuguese at all here. We arenºt allowed to speak crioule in lessons but Iºm going to have to begin learning to survive everywhere outside of lessons. I thought that with all this change that it would be harder to adjust but it has been tranquilo. Sorry for my Portuglish mixture. Iºve always been told by everyone that has served on a small island that small islands break you, break you completely and then help build you back up...Great, haha. Iºm really excited for this opportunity to practice my agency, like all of us I need a lot more practice. It is my prayer to be the window and not the source of light so that Christºs light can shine through to this people. 
  I love you so much mother! Thanks for being the window so that Christºs light can brighten the 37th ward as well as our family. It is good to hear about the good and bad that happen in our ward and Iºm really glad for Parker sticking it out with tennis, he is so excited to be there to see his own progress. Those will be such great memories for him. You better know that you have probably the best husband ever. He is the best Dad that I could ever ask for.
Love forever,
Elder Judd
Boa Vista

Boa Vista



Boa Vista


Bishop in Terrafal

Ward party in Terrafal
Elder Judd

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