Tuesday, March 3, 2015

February 16, 2015

This past week has been full of change which is usually the only thing constant in our lives. New companion, Elder Stratton, (really motivated and ambitious) and amazingly still in Tarrafal, my first area, and every new day brings new lessons. I have said it before but I wouldnºt mind staying here my whole mission, the people here are incredible! 
  This past week this 18 year old young man from Nigeria made a truly perilious and inspiring journey all the way from the heart of Africa to here in Cabo Verde. As we conversed in English we learned a lot about the story of his life and his beliefs, but all throughout he was smiling and laughing. He knows basically no one and doesnºt know how to speak portuguese or crioule therefore making him virtually alone. He smiles and laugh because he is friends with God. Truly inspiring and what an amazing experience it was to be the first missionary to talk to him.
  2 weeks ago I got a small little feeling like I would want another English Book of Mormon, it kinda made sense because my set is pretty old and beat up, so I called up Praia and they said they would get it to me as soon as possible. Really something pretty strange though but I didnºt think much of it afterwards. I got it and the day afterwards we met Libat, the 18 year old Nigerian boy that can only read English. I hadnºt even opened it yet but instead gave it to him, it now makes sense why I needed the book because he needed it. It was truly a miracle to help the spiritual journey along that Libat didnºt realize that he was on.  
  Also, we have found 2 more couples that are already married!... that last sentence canºt really be appreciated like it should but nobody gets married here! Yeah, they are married! Anyways, that was something really amazing and the number one thing that brings the most joy in my mission: seeing happiness as a family. Cute little kids getting there clothes all dirty playing marbles in the dust. The grandparents being cared for in the house of their now adult children. And the parents being married and helping reach the dreams that their best friend and spouse has. The family unit really is eternal in two ways: that it will continue growing and increasing and that we can live with those who we are closest to forever after this life.
  Yeah, life goes on, it Always will. For this I am grateful that we have the Son to brighten our days. He always will. 

Elder Judd

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