Thursday, December 11, 2014

Oh just kidding, after my mean rant, I Forgot he sent a letter to Jon for the blog. But still not for me! :)

Dear Blog,
  These past many weeks the Lord has been realizing miracles in the ward of Tarrafal. President Mathews personally came to our district to answer any questions and teach us about consecration. The doctorine of consecration has influenced my desire more than anything else to be the missionary that Heavenly Father wants for this people. Gota por gota, drop by drop, alignment of our agency to the will of the Father, placing our sins on the altar of sacrifice. Pride. Disobedience. Distant thoughts. These things are what we need to be willing to give up in order to be more Christlike.
  This Christmas season has been the perfect time to give service, sing hymns, and share the love that God has for all of us. How wonderful it is to know that God loved the world enough so that he gave his only begotten Son that whoso believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 
  Jesus, once a child born of humble beginnings, destined to give his life. Give his life to God through serving as the perfect example as well as giving up the ghost at that crucial moment on Calvary. He is the present of Christmas. 
  We have been commissioned and sent out to share with all the islanders a short film entitled...He is the Present. What a wonderful video to watch and remember, whether it is to be reminded for the first time or the 31st time, the gift that we have been given. Whether we will cherish it or not is up to us. 
  One of my favorite comparisons to make is the Son with the sun. Surely as the sun doth rise to give light, cast out fear, and warm our faces so will the Son of the living God. We as missionaries all over the world invite each and everyone to ponder within themselves... What is the gift I will give to the Savior this year. 
  I know with all the conviction I currently bear, that Jesus is the Christ and that if he is the Christ then this is His gospel. If it were not so we would not be and something in every human soul is hope. Hope is something we must want, if we do not want it we donºt have to keep it but the thing I am grateful for at this time of year is that happiness is still so abundant on the earth. No war, no poverty, no government can take that from a person. Overall the human race is good, blessed with the divine potential for perfection.
Elder Judd

Dec 8. 2014

WELLLLLLL you thought last weeks letter was short? Ready for this week? Here it is....


My new favorite missionary is Elder Drawe, Chandler moved to 2nd place. Here is why:

From Elder Drawe
This week was amazing! Just getting in the Christmas Spirit in our house! Look, this letter is going to be pathetic! But we had such a beautiful baptism this week! It was just soooo awesome! 

In the mission, we have been thinking about what we can give to the Lord to be more consecrated! Just to go along with the little film "He is the Gift!" I tell you what, its a brain buster. For sure though I will figure something out and I will let you all know when I do! HAHA
Also, there is this place here called Pao Quente. Its a pastry shop from Portugal! Its the best place ever. But earlier during the week, I entered and it was Christmas! It was amazing! All of the workers had Santa Hats, Christmas trees, lights, music..the works. So we sat there for like thirty minutes, eating our goods and having hot chocolate! OH you have no idea what that did to me! I was going crazy! Just on cloud nine! I was relating everything to Christmas! HAH poor Elder Judd just thinking I am getting all trunky on him..hahah! 

Also this week we have been notified that President is enforcing the rule...talking to the family on Christmas for 40 mins. So fam pains me at the bottom of my heart, but we can only talk for 40 minutes. So think of Questions, jokes, experiences, etc so that we can take advantage of this glorious time!
But that is it for this week! I love you so much and I hope every one is in the Christmas spirit! 

Elder Drawe

Dependable Respectful Achievers Workers Eternal= DRAWE!

Dec 1, 2014

THANKS FOR THE PACKAGES!!!! THE MARSHMALLOWS WERE AMAZING!!! We roasted them over our stove. I stood there on the kitchen floor hugging that piece of paper, having a special moment here in Cabo Verde. I hope that Thanksgiving was great!
  I am so thankful for my parents, family, ward, friends, mission,*investigators, *bishop, *companion, *district, and for everything that the Lord provides us. I love you so much!
Elder Judd

from Mom- "What, that is all? " you are asking? Why yes it is!!! The whole letter for the week. STINKER

but once again his companion saves the day:
From Elder Drawe's blog:

This Thanksgiving was pretty good! We ate our favorite restuarant Maracujá. Super good. We had some crepes and then a desert crepe. Turkey is not very common here in Cape Verde. But yeah we sat there and talked for a little bit then we said ten things that we were thankful for in that year. Yeah, I know, tender..Elder Judd talked about High School and stuff and the first three months of the mission. Kinda weird that he graduated high school like six months ago. I talked about the memories I have made in Santo Antao and also Calheta. Two fantastic areas that I have made so many memories!.After words we just worked hard and then we just hit the pillow every single night!

Well update on Fogo, it got better for a little bit but today the volcano opened in six different spots. A couple of weeks ago, they transfered the sisters out. I don´t know what is going to happen with everyone. But please keep them in your prayers, those guys don´t deserve any of this! But I think I am going to give all the stuff you guys sent to me, to Fogo. There was a city that got burned, lots of houses, etc. So they prolly need all that stuff more. 

Also update on the work here..its going pretty well! I am so grateful that things are picking up. Literally we can see the hand of the Lord in the work soo much! This week we pray that we can help a family to make their first convenants this week end! They are so dang sweet! She always says! "What day am I making Cachupa for you guys?" haha she says she is a specialist in cow parts cachupa...hahah yeah stoked.   So if you guys could remember them in your prayer at night and morning that would be appreciated!